CAISO issues final revised addendum to interconnection process enhancements proposal

CAISO issues final revised addendum to interconnection process enhancements proposal
(Duke Energy Renewables acquired the 20 MW Longboat Solar Project in California in 2016. Credit: Duke Energy Renewables)

The California ISO is committed to getting its interconnection process enhancements proposal right, even if it entails a final revision to an addendum to the final proposal. The 2023 effort is focused on enhancing the coordination of resource procurement and interconnection, resource planning, and transmission planning to achieve state reliability and policy needs.

CAISO has posted a final revised addendum to the Interconnection Process Enhancements 2023 final proposal to the initiative’s webpage. It clarifies the final proposal for stakeholders, based on the most recent round of comments, and addresses the following issues:

  • Clarification of the implementation of the zonal approach, and how available transmission capacity will be assessed for each cluster.
  • A commitment to monitoring the results of various components of the interconnection request intake process and coordinating with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), local regulatory authorities, and stakeholders to adjust any necessary components for Cluster 16 and future clusters.
  • A requirement that load-serving entities (LSEs) opt-in to the LSE allocation process and post-selection criteria and contact information on a publicly-accessible website, to improve the transparency and rigor of the LSE allocation process while respecting oversight of LSE procurement activities.
  • Clarifications to the scoring process, and recommendations to stakeholders on the LSE allocation process.
  • Further clarification of the treatment of mixed-fuel resources such as hybrid and co-located solar and storage projects.
  • Clarifications to the engineering design plan scoring criterion.
  • Context and rationale for the final proposal’s treatment of Energy Only resources.

On June 12, the CAISO Board of Governors will convene and issue a decision on this proposal.

You can learn more on the Interconnection Process Enhancements 2023 initiative webpage.